
A little bit about the project

I thought now would be a good time for some background on the project. I've excerpted a couple of relevant bits from the proposal that I put in to the B.C. Arts Council last winter. The more formal summation of the why's and the hows. Later I'll try and go into some of the more personal aspects of the project. I'd also thought this would be a good time to thank everyone at the Art's Council for their support of the project. As many of you may know, B.C. Arts funding has been seriously compromised this year and it looks like it won't be getting any better soon.

The support of the B.C. Arts Council a number of years ago, through a project grant for one of my very first large-scale installations, and more recently, via professional development funding for an overseas project, has been crucial to my development as an artist. The advice and enthusiasm of Walter Quan and everyone at the council has been instrumental in helping me to pursue my career. I think we have to make sure that the B.C. Arts Council is able to keep on doing what they have been mandated to do.

At any rate, I'm very grateful for their support of Evergreen.

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